The Lightlark Series by Alex Aster
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
One POV, series, Young Adult
Isabella's Rating: ★★
LightLark is a very controversial series that has circulated around BookTok...
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 quarantine and pandemic, BookTok has revitalized the publishing industry by changing the way that people read.
BookTok is a section of TikTok where people share their...
The UnHoneymooners by Christina Lauren
Genre: Romance
One POV, stand alone, Adult
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★★
The UnHoneymooners follows Olive, who gets a free Hawaiian honeymoon...
EHHS students experience the benefits and struggles of expressing themselves through art every day. Learning about our art students on a deeper level, and how their mental health associates with art, helps...
The Naturals by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Genre: Thriller
One POV, series, Young Adult
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★
The first book in The Naturals series follows Cassie, who is a natural...
EHHS senior, Gonul Celik, shows academic success and gets involved to benefit her career after high school. Gonul has had many achievements in her EHHS career, including 4 years on the wrestling team,...
The EHHS 2024-2025 school year is exposed to new changes due to the budget cuts. The school staff worked tirelessly to fit the budget that the town has given them. EHPS requested $2.7 million to fulfill...
Powerless by Lauren Roberts
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Dual POV, Series, Young Adult
Isabella’s Rating:★★★
Powerless follows Paedyn, an ordinary in a world full of “Elites”...
Stranger Things: Season 3
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror
Isabella’s Rating:★★
Stranger Things Season 3 follows the journey after Joyce finds disruptions of magnets and she starts to believe...
Mrs. Carla Marsico, the World Language Team Leader, is retiring after 33 years of teaching. Mrs. Marsico teaches both French classes and Spanish classes for EHHS, being the only French teacher in the building....
Outer Banks
Genre: Drama, Adventure
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★
Outer banks follows a group of teens who consider themselves “Pogues” and go on a hunt to find out what had happened...
EHPS requested a $2.7 million increase to the budget to fulfill the requirements of the district needs, but the town of East Haven gave the schools only $250,000 for the 2024-2025 school year. East Haven...
Genre: Adventure, Animated
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★
Brave follows a young princess, Marida, who wants to make her own name in life with her excellent archery skills. Her mother sees...
EHHS hosts a blood drive each year to help our local hospitals in need of blood. HOSA has just hosted a very successful blood drive a few weeks prior, and they plan to host the next blood drive on April...
Genre: Adventure, Animated
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★★
Tangled follows a girl named Rapunzel who is trapped inside a tower for her entire life. She has long, magical hair that...