The East Haven Arts Commission with the aid of EHHS drama club members and other drama clubs from other schools, will be producing “The Spongebob Musical.” This show consists of entering 10th graders...
The Met Gala, a prestigious fashion event, has been held on May 1 of every year since 1948, the theme for this year is “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty.” The theme is made to honor Karl Lagerfeld's...
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever did not exceed the expectations of the first Black Panther movie. Marvel fans felt a bit let down by this Marvel project expressing that nothing will top the success that...
The 2022 World Cup took place in Qatar from November 20, 2022 to December 18, 2022, where 32 national teams played for the glory of being named World Champions. This year's World Champion was Argentina...
EHHS students and staff celebrated a variety of different holiday traditions this year. Christmas and New Year's are often particularly special holidays because it is a time when all the family is present....
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Iconic Lines: “4:00, wallow in self-pity. 4:30, stare into the abyss. 5:00, solve world hunger, tell no one. 5:30, jazzercize; 6:30,...
The Most Iconic Line: " Keep the change, ya filthy animal." - Gangster Johnny.
Our Favorite Character: Kevin McCallister
Home Alone is a comedy Christmas...
This week's review is The Guardian of the Galaxy Holiday Special: a Christmas show starring the adventure of Drax and Mantis trying to bring the holiday spirit back to Quill.
Taylor Swift released her 10th studio album Midnights on October 21st, detailing 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout her life. Taylor during those sleepless nights writes about self-loathing, acceptance...
Don’t Worry Darling was released on September 23rd. The movie follows Alice (Florence Pugh) and Jack Chambers (Harry Styles) in a town called Victory. At first, nothing suggests...
Culinary teachers, Mr. John Profetto and Mrs. Heather Profetto along with the help of others coordinated a Drive-In Breakfast for EHHS parents early morning on October 27th.
This event was organized...
Culinary teachers, Mr. John Proffeto and Mrs. Heather Proffeto help EHHS Cafe Maestro students manage a new restaurant for teachers and staff called The Hive Cafe.
BUZZING ON THE BIG SCREEN - Mirta Sandoval and Jaime Forrest review TV shows & movies each week. This week we take on the new season of Cobra Kai that aired on September 9, 2022.