Merry Christmas everyone!
Christmas is a very special holiday, and you get to spend time with your family and remember all the great memories. How are you feeling during this time? It’s been a great month for me because I’ve been able to shop for my loved ones and get stuff that they enjoy, and it also keeps me distracted. Not only is Christmas about gifts but it’s also about seeing others happy and being there for them always. December is also an exciting month because you have a long break from school and you get to do stuff you enjoy during that day like going out for breakfast or going on a run or walk. Dow is your mental health during this time? For instance, mine gets better because I’m surrounded by the people I love and I’m able to talk to them. It’s okay to not feel the best right now because not everyone will be here like people we have lost or people that are far away, but deep down they are still there. Remember you are never alone!