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The Student News Site of East Haven High School

The Comet

The Student News Site of East Haven High School

The Comet

The Student News Site of East Haven High School

The Comet

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief for the 2022-2023 school year.

All content by Madelyn Camera
Baseball and Softball: The Fundamentals

Baseball and Softball: The Fundamentals

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
May 31, 2023

Baseball and softball are known for being very similar sports, but what makes each sport unique? They each have different rules and procedures that help differentiate between the two. The main differences...

Locked Out: Students Barred from the Vending Machines

Locked Out: Students Barred from the Vending Machines

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
April 25, 2023

In the past 3 weeks, a new lock system on the vending machines at EHHS has gone into place. The vending machine used to be open to students at any point in the day, but is now locked to follow the school's...

The Need to Know About Books and Brownies

The Need to Know About Books and Brownies

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
March 17, 2023

Books and Brownie’s is a club at EHHS that has been around for over 15 years. The book club, open to all students and faculty, creates a connection between students and teachers through literature....

Photo by Alexis Serafin Instagram: @alexis.mediaa

Winter Sports at EHHS

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
February 22, 2023

EHHS Winter Sports Season kicks off their season in late November/early December. The winter sports season is about 3-4 months during the colder months of the year. Boy’s Basketball Our...

The New Construction in EHHS's Library Media Center

The New Construction in EHHS’s Library Media Center

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
January 23, 2023

The Library Media Center at EHHS recently went through new construction in the summer of 2021. With the new construction, EHHS also gained a new library media specialist, Mrs. Patricia Robinson. The construction...

What's the Hype with Fantasy Football?

What’s the Hype with Fantasy Football?

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
December 20, 2022

EHHS students have been entranced by the increasingly popular fantasy sport leagues in the last several years, but what is it? Fantasy football is a sports league anyone can join, that takes place during...

Seniors Pull Ahead in the Penny Wars Event

Seniors Pull Ahead in the Penny Wars Event

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
November 17, 2022
The class of 2023 has been hosting, Penny Wars, a fundraiser since the middle of October and it will end some time after homecoming.
Netflix Play screen for Hocus Pocus 2

Hocus Pocus 2 Returns After 25 Years

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
October 31, 2022

Hocus Pocus returns, after 25 years, with a sequel about three girls who bring the original witches back and stop them before they get to the children. The original movie came out in July of 1993 and...

EHHS Fall Sports Kicks Off the Fall 2022 Season

EHHS Fall Sports Kicks Off the Fall 2022 Season

Madelyn Camera, Editor-in-Chief
September 30, 2022

EHHS Fall sports kicked off their season on September 8, 2022. The season started with soccer and volleyball on Thursday and then the football game followed on Friday. The season starts in late August...

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Madelyn Camera