Roses to having work to grade – Thorns to not being productive
Roses to Cindy for being so great at her job – Thorns to Officer Burrell for blaming Cindy.
Roses to Ms. Haase for wanting a new hairstyle – Thorns to bad hair recommendations
Roses to Snack Boxes – Thorns to Ms. Parisi’s son for her lame lunch.
Roses to Mr. Curcio for knowing what happens worldwide – Thorns to Mr. Tolla for the earthquake that occurred in Nevada.
Roses to Ms. Bohan for helping in Ms. Florio’s class – Thorns to Ms. Florio for putting Ms. Bohan in a corner.
Roses to a couple arguments/fights that you can listen to in the hallway – Thorns to not getting all the tea.
Roses to getting away with a lie – Thorns to bad liars.