EHHS implemented a new hall pass system, E-Hall Pass, this week to improve time efficiency throughout the school community.
The program was first introduced to EHHS Assistant Principal, Mrs. Amy Farotti by JMMS principal Mrs. Darcie Doyon, who had already applied the system to her school. Mrs. Farotti also met with other school administrator friends over the summer who were using e-hall passes and decided to look into it. Eventually, after speaking to the EHHS principal, Mr. Vincent DeNuzzo, and fellow assistant principal, Mr. Anthony Russell, they made the choice to implement E-hall passes in the school. Mrs. Farotti said, “We needed a better system for students to leave class for a variety of reasons.” They hope the system will be a more convenient process for leaving classes to get extra help or meet with support staff during school hours.

Each student at EHHS has their own account they can sign into to manage passes. Students can request a pass to go to the bathroom, the nurse, etc., and the teacher will approve it. Teachers can also just create passes for students, as well. When a student returns the teacher clears the pass. For administrators and teachers, there is data available about how many passes are being given out, who is in the hallway at one time, and then the ability to limit the number of passes as well. Mr. DeNuzzo said, “If there are students that are out for 50% of the day, that is really valuable information that we can use.” Mr. DeNuzzo hopes the system will keep students accountable.
The overall goal of the E-hall pass system is to keep students safe in real-time. If there is an emergency, students will be accounted for in a real-time system. Administrators also want to create a time-efficient environment for both students and teachers. Mrs. Farotti said, “You don’t think about how much time it takes to write a pass, probably around a minute. If they’re writing 15-20 passes a day, that’s a 20-minute loss in instructional time. We’re really hoping it smooths the transition of pass giving and it just makes everybody’s life a little bit easier.” Administrators are eager to use the system to better improve our school community. The E-hall pass system was also a bundle deal with another system called Flex Time Manager for students meeting with teachers during flex. The administration has hope that the system will greatly improve safety and time management in the school community.