“Die Hard,” directed by John McTiernan and released in 1988, is an action movie. Bruce Willis stars as NYPD officer John McClane, who ends up in a hostage situation at Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve.
McClane, visiting his estranged wife at her company’s holiday party, has to stop a group of criminals led by Hans Gruber, played by Alan Rickman. McClane uses his smarts and determination to stop the criminals.
What makes “Die Hard” stand out is its mix of suspense, humor, and character development. Willis’s McClane is relatable, making his struggles engaging. The film’s pacing keeps you hooked, and the action scenes are thrilling and creative.
As well as for fans of Alan Rickman who prior to this movie never saw him as a villain. His performance as Hans Gruber became iconic immediately.
There’s a few rough patches, however. Sometimes the movie seems to drag on with certain scenes. The film has been parodied to no end, which can sometimes ruin the fun of the movie.
“Die Hard” is a classic action film with a great story, memorable performances, and non-stop excitement. It’s no wonder it’s a favorite, especially around the holidays.
Speaking of, it’s been a debate on whether or not this is a Christmas film. My stance is that it most definitely *is* a Christmas film. (Just maybe not a traditional one).
I don’t think this just because of the setting and music. While yes, the film takes place on Christmas Eve and we hear Christmas music, that’s not why.
At its core, “Die Hard” is about John McClane trying to reconnect with his estranged wife, Holly. The theme of family is a common thread in many Christmas movies, Die Hard included.
John McClane’s heroism can be seen as embodying the Christmas spirit of giving and selflessness. He risks his life to save others, which goes along with the themes of goodwill and generosity associated with Christmas.
Over the years, “Die Hard” has become a holiday tradition for many people, myself included. It’s often included in lists of favorite Christmas movies and is frequently watched during the holiday season.
However it can still be argued that it is *not*. Despite this, however, it is still a classic that’s played on the tv this time of year and included on holiday special countdowns.
Overall I give Die Hard 4/5 ornaments.