Genre: Adventure, Animated
Isabella’s Rating:★★★★★
Tangled follows a girl named Rapunzel who is trapped inside a tower for her entire life. She has long, magical hair that allows for people to get in and out of the tall tower. She wants to travel to see the floating lanterns that appear every year on her birthday, but her “Mother” won’t let her leave the tower. On her 18th birthday, a man climbs into her tower, and she proceeds to make a deal with him to see the lanterns in order for him to get what she took back. This sparks a bond between the two characters, which eventually leads to a relationship. With this journey comes a lot of hardships and problems the two have to face.
This Disney movie is one of my favorite movies they have ever come out with. The songs in this movie are catchy, and the characters are very likable. The story is very creative and fun, which isn’t common with new movies coming out now. The romance within this movie is very heartwarming, and seeing the happy ending the characters deserve is satisfying. The adventure that went along with this movie was very refreshing, there was always something going on during the movie, and I was never bored, even as a kid.
This movie is perfect to watch with children, as well as just you and some friends. Even though it is animated and for children I feel like as you grow up you understand more and more about the story. Disney did an amazing job at including amazing themes in this movie. As a teenager I can relate to a lot of things Rapunzel is feeling in the movie. The movie is also very aesthetically pleasing while watching it. I am glad the prom theme for EHHS this year is “At last I see the Light” which is an homage to a very popular song at the end of the movie, featuring lanterns and a beautiful backdrop.