The class of 2025 advisors held elections in November and were introduced 5 new officers.
President: Gonul Celik. She is a wrestler on the East Haven Varsity Wrestling team.
Vice president: Angelina Bellacicco. She plays on the East Haven Girl’s Volleyball Team, secretary of the National Honors Society, member of HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America, and has volunteered in unified sports. She has also been a part of the class of 2025 student council since her freshman year.
Treasurer: Mateo Romero.
Secretary: Hannah Dudley. She is a player on the East Haven Girls Varsity Soccer Team, and has volunteered in unified sports. She has also been part of the class of 2025 student council since her freshman year.
Historian: Kim Carrera. Member of the EHHS Drama Club, member of the Marching band and is a member of the National Honors Society.
The class of 2025’s student council have expressed why they ran for class officer positions. President Gonul Celik says, “what inspired me to run for president is that I enjoy the thought of a pleasant high school experience and I wanted to be able to bring that to our class.” Vice president, Angelina Bellacicco said “I wanted to be a part of school activities and also have a say in what is being done.” Secretary Hannah Dudley reveals that she wanted to “be a part of my class’s future activities.” Historian Kim Carrera said, “I wanted to be able to get our class together and hopefully make them bond with one another and make sure they have a lot of fun in high school.” Both vice president Angelina Bellaccico and Secretary Hannah Dudley claimed that having experience with class officers at the high school level and being in leadership positions in the past inspired them to run for these positions.
Obstacles along the way
The class officers role is to find creative ways to bring funds for senior events. They have already held a few fundraisers such as their Winter Burr Basket Raffle, and their March Madness Cookie Fundraiser, however they still have many goals that they are looking to achieve by the end of their senior year. Some of their goals include ‘planning fun and memorable activities’ for the class of 2025, according to Gonul Celik.
However, the class of 2025’s class officers has been faced with some struggles. As these students were chosen at the start of their junior year this means that they only have limited time to plan fundraisers to have enough money in order to have a successful homecoming, prom and other senior events. President Gonul Celik says, “We’re handling this obstacle by creating new fundraisers and also doing fundraisers that have been successful for other classes in the past.” Besides having to put fundraisers out there, they have to engage the class to participate in these fundraisers, Hannah Dudley says, “one issue is that we sometimes struggle to get student involvement in our fundraisers but we do what we can to put out fundraisers that will catch our class.”
They have also been faced with some struggles behind the scenes. Things such scheduling has not been easy for them. Kim Carrera says “a lot of us are in sports or in other clubs and sometimes we can’t meet during the week because we’re all busy.” However, she says that communication plays a big factor when it comes to managing these issues. According to Kim Carrera, “we’ve learned how to handle these situations by simply communicating with one another and trying to see when everyone is free and when works best for everyone.”
Goals for the class of 2025
The end goal is to make enough money to be able to have successful and memorable senior events. But there is another important factor that comes in to play which is the actual involvement of the class of 2025 in these fundraisers because without the participation of the class nothing would be possible. This could eventually negatively affect the students because they won’t be able to attend future senior events. As of right now according to Angelina Bellacicco the class officers’ main goal as of now is to ‘get every junior to pay their class dues.’
words to describe the class of 2025’s student council
Some members of the class officers were asked to describe their new student council. some words that were used were busy, and resilient and diverse. Historian Kim Carrera says that she chose the word diverse was because besides the fact that they are all in the same grade they all have different extracurriculars that make them unique, she says, “I’m more involved in the arts and a lot of my fellow officers are in the sports but even then I think that out diversity pulls us together to get different perspectives to help represent the school better.”