EHHS is more effective in resolving problems and situations during the 2023-2024 academic year. This year, the administration is more strict about problems such as fights, tardies, and bullying. More disciplinary actions are being taken, and problems in EHHS are decreasing.
Two major disciplinary actions for some problems at EHHS are in school suspension (ISS) and out of school suspension (OSS). ISS is situational and many different problems that arise can lead to an in school suspension. During in school suspension, a security guard is in the ISS room, and the student has to give up the phone in the cell phone holder. Students have access to all their classes through their Chromebooks and are given the opportunity to make up tests. ISS is flexible to giving students access to what they need academically. Out of school suspension (OSS) is different because students are not on campus. Students still have access to their Chromebook and Google Classroom. They are encouraged to treat their day how they would if they were at school. OSS does not last longer than 10 days. Some problems that would result in 10 days of OSS consist of serious infractions, such as fighting, drugs, and alcohol on campus. Administrators refrain from giving out OSS unless there are serious infractions.
Fights in EHHS have seemed to decrease in the 2023-2024 academic year. Assistant Principal Mr. Anthony Russell, believes that this is because we are establishing better student-staff relationships. He explains that we are a restorative district, which fosters a sense of community in schools to prevent future conflict. Further Russell says, “When there’s communication the physical altercation is less likely to happen.” Disciplinary actions for fighting in school consists of 10 days out of school suspension. This allows for investigation to see if there are any students on the periphery, so the problem is completely resolved. Occasionally, students are offered a 5 day out of school suspension and a 5 day in school suspension. The 10 day suspension may inhibit a student academically, therefore splitting the suspension into half in school and half out of school would provide them with access to the materials.
There have seemed to be an increase in tardies over the past few years, yet EHHS has recently adopted a new policy about tardiness. In previous years, 3 tardies would give you an absence. Over time the absences build up, creating implications with attendance. Now, students are given lunch detention every 3 tardies. During lunch detention, students must sit in the ISS room for their entire lunch block with no phone and no opportunity for socialization.
To handle bullying at EHHS is a long and tedious process that requires a significant amount of investigation. The process is time sensitive, and as soon as someone is being accused of bullying there is documentation that needs to be filled out. Before investigating, the administration needs to see if it falls under the description of bullying. From there, depending on the intensity of the situation, investigation and disciplinary actions take place. The consequences for bullying are situational because every bullying investigation is different. Some consequences can be as little as a reprimand or detention. Others can be as large as suspensions, expulsions, or being arrested. Russell says, “Social emotional health is very important, if you don’t feel safe and secure then it is not an optimal environment.” The process requires patience yet administrators work to resolve the problem as fast as possible.
EHHS plans to continue to improve the school climate by eliminating and resolving conflicts such as fights, bullying, tardies, and more.