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Fashion Trends Happening At EHHS

Junior, Kimmy Thorpe, wearing a pink sweatshirt, sweatpants, and matching pink Crocs, showing the loungewear style.
Junior, Kimmy Thorpe, wearing a pink sweatshirt, sweatpants, and matching pink Crocs, showing the loungewear style.

This fall at EHHS, students wear loungewear (casual, comfortable clothing) because it is the most comfortable. 56% of EHHS students surveyed prefer some form of loungewear- sweatshirts, sweatpants, baggy t-shirts, or leggings paired with comfy shoes like crocs, slides, or moccasins. 50% also said they dress to be comfortable rather than dressing for looks. Loungewear allows students to be comfortable and create trendy outfits simultaneously. Senior, Beauney Mera, said she likes to “dress comfortably while inspiring others to look cool.”

Many students add to their outfits by wearing trending shoes, like different types of Nike sneakers, Converse, or Yeezy’s. Senior Nicole Sangiovanni said, “Certain shoes can bring comfy looks together.” Many students at EHHS want to impress others with their outfits but stay comfy, which is why loungewear is their go-to choice.

Although the main trend for students in EHHS is loungewear, some students like to come to school more dressed up. 33% of the students said their favorite thing to wear is some form of dressier clothing such as jeans, sweaters, or fitted shirts and 16 percent of the questioned students said they dress more for looks in school rather than comfortability. Senior Benny Ferraro “dresses to look presentable.” Senior, Anna-Sofia Nuzzo, said she “[dresses] for looks and comfort because wearing what [she] likes makes [her] happy and expresses how [she feels].” Although, outside of school dressier would be considered fancier, inside school “dressier” is usually more of a streetwear style, which includes flared jeans and leggings, baggy jeans, ripped skinny jeans, or cargo pants and skirts. These trendy pants are usually paired with a fitted top, sweater, or sweatshirt.

Although most students continue to wear loungewear outside of school, some dress differently because of the change in environment. According to freshman Chelsea Mingione, her outfits depend on where she is going and is more dressed up outside of school. Angelina Bugatti said she “[does not] care to dress up for school, but [she does] like to look better for the people [she] hangs out with [outside of school].” Some student care to be more presentable to their friends outside of school and more comfortable inside of school.

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Loungewear is what students at EHHS wear the most because it is comfortable and easy. Junior Nina Marreiros said, “when I wear loungewear I am comfortable in class and can focus on my work better, if I am dressed up I am thinking about changing into my comfy clothes.” Students want to be comfortable in what they wear to school, which English teacher, Mrs. Lisa Gardener, aggress with, but also sees another side to. Ms.Gardner said “while it is important for students to be comfortable while learning, [wearing loungewear] can give them a false idea of what acceptable professional attire should look like.” Although many students want to wear loungewear to be comfortable in school, some people might think it is important to dress more professionally for the school environment.

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