In December 2024, the EHHS Drama Club hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner Party on Friday the 13th. Attendees and cast members worked together to solve a murder.
Willow Torres, as the character Rosie Marie, hosted the murder mystery dinner party in which she is out to avenge her husband’s death.
Jaidyn Torres, as the character Cindy Butt, was always spreading lies and also ruining many lives.
Giovanna Zanette, as the character Bernie Booze, had the most successful bootlegging businesses in town before Nick blacklisted him.
Mak Yankee, as the character Southside Sal, had been pushing to expand his territory but who is working with him?
Ava Rosarbo, as the character Kitty Cocktail, who would do anything to help advance her boyfriend in his career.
Mikayla Williams, as the character Notorious Nick, had so much power and had a lot going for him or maybe against him.
Nick Cinquino, as the character Mayor Biggs, was the head of the city. But was the mayor calling the shots or someone else??
Ms. Collins thought it would be fun because it’s a murder mystery and it was supposed to be spooky and mysterious. The drama club normally performs their fall play in either December or November; they decided to take a different approach this year. To come up with the murder mystery theme they looked at a bunch of different kits and tried them out but the other kits were too obvious. Ms. Collins and her co-director, Callie Fusco, thought that when people think of a murder mystery, you most often think of the 1920s. They imagined, with costumes including flapper dresses, the event would be classy. There is no connection between Curtains, the spring 2024 musical, or the upcoming spring musical and the Murder Mystery. They really just wanted to try something new. Ms. Collins thought murder mysteries are always fun and it is a way that it wouldn’t be a whole lot of rehearsal because it is mainly improv for the actors. Overall it was an amazing night, with a full dinner. There was pasta, bread, and salad catered by Kay’s Catering, Flower Wonderland, and Petonito’s Bakery.