The yearbook committee is an after-school club that creates and designs the yearbook each school year. There are currently around 20 members including Mrs. Lindsay Wright and Mrs. Lisa Gardner as the advisors, Ella Angelo as editor-in-chief, and Gonul Celik and Mercilyn Ackom-Brew as the student photographers.
Mrs. Wright, one of the advisors for the Yearbook Committee, mentioned that the long process of designing and putting together the yearbook takes around seven months, from the first day of school to around the middle of March. The company then needs to print the pages and the book cover, which takes about 10 weeks to ship all 255 yearbooks.
The process behind designing the creation of the theme and layout started the previous year. At the end of the school year, the juniors and advisors in the yearbook committee gather after school and sit down with a yearbook representative to discuss and brainstorm ideas they might have for the layout or cover.

Based on the yearbooks from the past years, the most the yearbook committee has changed are the layouts, sizes, fonts, and the theme of the book. They have also added and removed certain senior superlatives. During the process of creating the yearbook, the group gets together to look at previous yearbooks to find what they like or dislike about them and adjust accordingly.
Ella Angelo has been a part of the yearbook committee since her freshman year. This is her first year working as the editor-in-chief. Ella works closely with the advisors to review all the pictures, quotes, organization, and placement while working on her separate pages. Ella mentioned that creating one page could take a couple of days or up to a week. It’s especially hard to find and name every student in each picture, especially with such a large school.
Mrs. Gardner talks about

there being no requirements to join the yearbook. Students could join the yearbook committee at any time throughout the school year by simply showing up to the meetings that are held after school on Mondays from 2:00 – 3:00 pm in W103.
To get a guaranteed yearbook, you can either order one online by searching up, click on ‘order yearbook’, and fill out the information, or bring $80 using Cash app, Venmo, Zelle, or in cash to Mrs. Wright or Mrs. Gardner by May 5th, 2025.