The new show Monsters on Netflix follows Lyle and Eric Menendez and covers important and relevant topics with an interesting and unique lens. The show’s message is to learn the full story before jumping to conclusions. Lyle and Eric Menendez are brothers and are dealing with extreme physical, mental, and sexual abuse that led them to kill their parents.
The season is about Lyle and Eric Menendez and how they were convicted of the murders of their parents. The show takes place in their Beverly Hills Home in 1989.
The plot of the first episode of Monsters is about Erik opening up and telling his therapist about how they murdered their parents, how they did it, and every step they took to do it. The part that stuck out to me the most is how fast they dove right into what happened there was no build-up in the show they just told us right away what happened.
My favorite characters in the show are Eric and his attorney, Leslie Abramson. Eric and Leslie are my favorite characters because he is very empathetic and she advocated for Eric and Lyle when no one else did. My least favorite is their dad, José Menendez because he allegedly sexually abused Lyle and Eric. The main cast members are Cooper Koch, who plays Eric Menendez, Nicholas Alexander, who plays Lyle Menendez, Javier Bardem, who plays Jose Menendez, Chloe Sevigny, who plays Kitty Menendez, and Tessa Auberjonois, who plays Dr. Oziel. Overall the acting in the show was very good. I think they played the characters very well.
To make this show better, I would like to see more of how the mom was to blame for knowing this was happening.
The episodes’ structure and length are good. I like the length because it’s not too short or too long and every episode has different events, and something new. The average length of a docuseries is 40 to 120 minutes. The shortest episode is 38 minutes long and the longest is an hour and 5 minutes.
Junior, Eve Backhaus said the Menendez case was really interesting. Her favorite character was Lyle Menendez. Eve didn’t like how they portrayed the brothers and made them see evil and how they villainized them.
Junior, Juliet Armijos said she liked how they portrayed their story and her favorite character is Erik Menendez.
After asking many people about the show, not many people have watched it.