Eve Backaus

EHHS Freashman, Eve Backaus is a varsity softball player as a freshman also as a starter. Eve plays second base, and does not play JV. Eve says “I love playing varsity as a freshman, it can definitely be stressful sometimes because I am young; playing against, and with a lot of older girls who have played a lot longer than me and have more experience. In the beginning of the season I felt a lot of pressure to perform well, I would be so nervous before games wondering if I made it a mistake if I would lose my spot. But as I grew closer with my teammates I became more and more comfortable and overall I just get really excited before games. It is still a little nerve wracking knowing people are watching but I just try to play for myself and my team and not to impress or “show off” to other people.” Eve has also said “I play softball because it distracts me from the world. Life gets super stressful between school and my personal life and when im on the field it all goes away. I also play because my teammates are like my family. I love spending everyday with them and growing closer and closer with them.”