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EHHS Math League on its Road to Success

EHHS Math League on its Road to Success

The EHHS Math League continues to grow over the past few years and has worked hard into participating and winning more tournaments, and expanding in members. The Math League is currently running under Mr. Belevich, and he has been running it for about 3 years. This year, there are eight members that consistently show up and participate in the Math League. The meetings are once a month, and members have pizza as they communicate and solve problems. A Senior, Shiv Patel says, “They give us complex questions that are really hard to understand.”

The Math League spends their time doing problems to prepare themselves for the big tournament in the spring. This year, the tournament with Southern Connecticut State University. Shiv says, “There’s some algebra and geometry questions that were really hard for all grade levels.”

On the day of the event, Math League members were called down in a unique way.

Mr Belevich, the Math League advisor, says, “The members felt awkward with a normal math league announcement, so me and Rev decided to make an announcement that was more silly, so we decided to create a basketball style theme when players are called down into the court.” Instead of background info of each club member, they decided with really obscure heights.

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The Tournament at SCSU was called MAPP: Whispers of the Untamed. This event was similar to escape room puzzles. Teams would complete a math problem and then be given a code that will help you go to the next location to then do another math problem. Our East Haven Mathletes got eighth place in the tournament, while competing with 33 other schools. The goals of this club is to expand on their members and continue to participate in more events and take home victories.

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