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CREATIVE CORNER – “Light Tangled Wires” by Isabella Balseiro

CREATIVE CORNER - “Light Tangled Wires” by Isabella Balseiro

“Light Tangled Wires” by Isabella Balseiro

Light tangled wires

Bring sounds from phone to ear;

Creating a connection that plays into your desires.

Melodies that were inspired,

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And meant to be played into

Light tangled wires.

Artists do all that is required.

They spend days and hours

Creating a connection that plays into your desires.

Everyone aspires,

To hear their songs played through

Light tangled wires.

Even after an artist retires

Their music remains,

Creating a connection that plays into your desires.

Everyone can be a qualifier

To make music for

Light tangled wires.

Creating a connection that plays into your desires.

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