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BUZZ BEATS: “Like the Rain” by Alex Sampson

Logo by Isabella Balsiero
Logo by Isabella Balsiero

“Like the Rain” by the pop artist Alex Sampson debuted on December 2, 2022. He calmly conveys strong emotions of love with the lyrics and melody. He shares how he wants someone to feel the same amount of love as much as he loves that person and for the relationship to work out in the end.  It represents how in the beginning two people like each other in which one of them thinks the relationship is going to be more and the individual is willing to give the person their all, putting effort in, if they feel the same way.

This song is slow paced, which some people might not like, but for me I do. I like how it portrays love and how the individual wants the person to feel the same way and how they’re willing to give the person as much love they feel about them. It’s relatable for people who are willing to give a person they like or love their all and to trust them.

My favorite part of the song are the lyrics, “I want you to fall/Like the rain/Into my arms, I know you’re scared to/It’s ok/If you feel the same/You make it easier than breathing/ Falling like the rain.” These lyrics stood out to me on how people can relate to it in which they want someone they love to feel the same way.

Overall I like this track and how the message shows that it can be relatable for teens and anybody who has been through that type of situation in which the lyrics expressed. I recommend listening to this song if you can relate to the situation or if you like love songs. I rate this song a 9/10.

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