It’s Capstone season and there’s been everything from kids’ clinics to murals throughout the school, but senior, Jolee Jaramillo had a different idea. She decided to host a district-wide movie night fundraiser to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, a matter personal to Jolee and her family; “I mostly chose this foundation because my mother suffered a breast cancer scare years ago, luckily my mom’s tumors were non-cancerous, but I still wanted to dedicate this project to her and to raise money for any woman suffering from breast cancer,” Jolee explained. The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is the largest private funder of breast cancer research and provides “critical funding for cancer research worldwide to fuel advances in tumor biology, genetics, prevention, treatment, metastasis, and survivorship” and “has raised more than a billion dollars to fuel its mission to be the end of breast cancer” (Breast Cancer Research Foundation).
The event took about two months to plan and organize. Jolee needed to contact Mr. DeNuzzo about booking the auditorium, as well as hiring a tech person and custodian. Additionally, Jolee created her own flyers and put them up around the entire school and created an Instagram account for the event to spread the word. The event was open to the entire district and the chosen movie was Ratatouille, appealing to people of all ages. Jolee’s original goal was to raise $100 and she tripled it by raising a total of $326. Many EHHS students attended the event to support their friend and classmate, as well as children whose parents had attended the Anginetti Cookie Tasting Event in the lobby outside the auditorium. Overall, Jolee feels that the event was a huge success and well worth the months it took to plan.