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Get To Work is a game developed by Isto Inc. It was released very recently on December 2nd of 2024. It’s a Foddian style game, Foddian games are “a challenging game with simple mechanics that requires precision and is unforgiving of mistakes” (PiratePR.com).
Foddian games are unique because of how much they punish the player, if you make a single mistake you may have to start the game all over again. This no checkpoint style of platformer has become increasingly popular since Bennet Foddy (the Genre is named after him) released his hit game Getting Over It.
Many games, like Get To Work, parallel real world issues. Get To Work represents what it is like to climb the corporate ladder and how difficult it is to do. These games are used as a symbol of what life is like, it’s not forgiving and there are no checkpoints.
Pro- The game is rich in story and parallels real life, it symbolizes issues in the real world that the creators of the game wanted to bring attention to.
Con- The game is a simple platformer style game, so besides some expansions, the game doesn’t have much room to grow and be updated.
Con- The game’s fame will be very short lived because it’s a TikTok famous game, it’s already declining in players.
pro/con- Depending on how you look at it, this punishing style of game could be good or bad.
Overall, Get To Work follows a unique style of game that is very difficult to play, however I think the game is very fun. Falling and losing all of your progress can be very annoying, and the game is not for everyone.
Rating: ★★★⯪☆
The reason I give Get To Work 3 ½/5 stars is because of the style of game and its limited interest, the game is designed to be very difficult and that’s not for everyone.