Ela Celik
Junior Sokayden (Sokey) Doss has been wrestling with EHVW for 2 years. Sokey mentioned how Mr. Mark Tolla inspired him to start wrestling his sophomore year. Tolla coached the team for 35 years but retired during the 2023-2024 school year. Sokey’s goals for the rest of his high school career are to get good grades and win states. After high school, Sokey plans on wrestling in college and becoming an entrepreneur.
Sokey expressed his strong love and passion for wrestling, mainly because of the rush of adrenaline he feels during matches. His favorite move to pull during a match is a blast double (wrap your legs around your opponent’s legs and drive them into the mat), and a front headlock (Slide your arm under your opponent’s arm and sink your arm in deep into them. At the same time, step up with the leg on that same side, with your other arm, and clamp down on your opponent’s head while driving into them and trying to put them on their back.)
Sokey mentioned how his favorite memories during his time wrestling for East Haven were getting pinned by Gonul Celik during his first-ever practice sophomore year, and the time they pranked Mr. Tolla by throwing toilet paper all over his house. His favorite match that he had played was last year’s all-SCC because he came in 2nd place.
Sokey stays focused and determined to progress his skills by dedicating 6 days out of his week for 4 months to wrestling. Sokey expressed how the hardest aspect of wrestling is keeping his self-control during a match and cutting weight. He is in the 144 weight class and cuts by eating 1 banana and half a water bottle for two days.
Sokey leaves a positive impact on the team and his teammates by putting his all into the team, being a good leader, and role model to his teammates. Coach Neil Merola shares, “Sokey sets the pace in practice, he’s a great example of a hard worker, and he practices with 100% intensity every day.”