The human body is run by cells, and our body is filled with water. This might make you wonder, just how do these cells react to this water? Ms. Ellery Riccio’s Human Anatomy class completed a lab experiment using eggs as models for cells and tested them in a couple of substances to see their reaction. This was a multiday lab, in which the students weighed the eggs and then put them in vinegar. In vinegar the shell dissolved and the egg itself got bigger due to the vinegar dissolving into the egg. On day 2 they put the eggs into corn syrup, this caused the vinegar in the egg to dissolve back into the corn syrup, causing the eggs to shrink and become wrinkly. On day 3 they put the eggs into water, which diffused back into the egg, causing them to grow back to normal size. Overall the lab was a demonstration on how cells react to water in the human body, and how it affects the human body as a whole.