David Ross (Cristal)
After 8 years, history/social studies teacher Mr. Paul Albano moved to the East wing to teach Algebra 2, Advanced Algebra, and Geometry classes. His first experience teaching math was during the 2023-2024 school year, when he covered for Ms. Orazio’s Advanced Algebra class from October to December 2023. He really enjoyed the experience and said he wanted the opportunity to teach it again. So, last summer, he got certified to teach math, and this year he was moved to the Math department. He currently resides in E304, which was previously Ms. Orazio’s Classroom.
Mr. Albano went to UConn and majored in both History and History Education. He earned bachelors degrees in both and went an extra year for a masters degree in both as well. Mr. Albano started teaching middle school history at a Bridgeport middle school before moving to EHHS in the 2020-2021 school year. When he started at EHHS, he taught: U.S. History, Modern World History, Intro to Psychology, Civics, Holocaust and Human Behavior, and Axis vs Allies: History of World War 2. Mr. Albano said that his two favorite classes he taught were Axis vs Allies and Holocaust and Human Behavior classes, and mentioned he wants to teach them again in the future. Mr. Albano said he is enjoying teaching math so far this year, stating, “I prefer my Algebra 2 class because the math is a little bit more difficult and in depth, so it’s more interesting to do. The advanced algebra class was pretty interesting too, because it’s more complex, and challenging, that’s what I prefer.”
Mr. Albano is not only very passionate about teaching, but also a passionate writer as well. Writing is a side hobby of his, which he started in college and picked back up in 2020 during the pandemic. He is currently writing a novel: a crime thriller about a serial killer who uses his victim’s phobias against them. He said that he may get it published in the future, though he is not sure when. Mr. Albano also plans to continue teaching math, hoping to teach more complex math in the future. Although he is enjoying the switch to math classes, he hopes to return to some of the history electives he taught before, like Axis vs Allies and Holocaust and Human Behavior.