Twister the 1996 film that inspired the newly released Twisters is an action and adventure film. The movie follows a group of storm chasers across Oklahoma chasing tornadoes. The main plot of the movie follows the group as they try and gain more information on tornadoes using a divide named Dorothy made by the male lead. The device was copied by a separate team of more-known scientists trying to take all of the credit which sparks the journey we see throughout the film. One of the side plots we see is about a marriage and a divorce, the main female and male leads are estranged husband and wife. The husband took his fiance along to have Jo (female lead) sign divorce papers.
My first time watching Twister was right after the new movie was released. I went into the movie not knowing any of the plot. The movie was easy to follow and very entertaining. At the time of its release, the special effects were great. The very beginning of the movie is suspenseful and makes you a bit emotional and sucks you into the action immediately. The beginning of the movie ties in directly with the rest of the film however is not revealed until later on. The characters in the movie have good backstories and motivations for why they are there. The actors do a phenomenal job of portraying their characters. However, they do seem a bit cliche. But looking past that you get to be attached to the characters as they experience these events and you witness some loss and reconnection between many of these characters.
So all in all I give Twister a ⅘ tornadoes. It’s a movie you can sit fully through and not feel as if it’s dragging on too much. The actors in the movie are some you don’t see too often which I think makes the movie better.
“I gotta go Julia, we got cows.” -Twister 1996
The movie‘s ‘sequal’, however, I prefer to call it a remake, Twisters came out this year. Twisters has almost the same plot line but slightly different. It follows a former storm chaser as she tries to work at a weather news station after losing her boyfriend and friends due to a tornado that they were chasing. She reconnects with an old friend as he works with a company that claims it wants to help the victims of these storms. Throughout the movie, we meet a separate group of storm chasers who are very well known due to their online presence. We grow to hate these characters because our view is that they don’t do anything to help nd just want to make a profit off o these people. However, we soon learn it’s the opposite way around. Our main character played by Daisy Edgar-Jones joins Glen Powell’s character in continuing her research on how to disappate tornadoes before they cause more damage.

My opinion of this movie may be biased. After watching Twister and knowing it is not supposed to be a remake it’s a bit confusing. They have equipment from Twister, Dorothy, but it’s never explained how they managed to get this device. There’s no connection to past characters at all which I was waiting to hear. However, as a stand-alone film, I think they did great. The characters again were strong and compared to the first movie not as cliche. The twist in the end, no pun intended, on the truth of why Glen Powell’s character was selling merchandise is a major culture shock on how certain companies pretend to be for the people while profiting off people’s pain and problems.
Twisters, knowing the plot and characters of the first film, gets ⅗ tornadoes. However, without my bias, I give it a ⅘ tornadoes. The movie is also a great watch and despite the longer run time it is also easy to sit through and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.
“Kids, don’t try this at home! We are professional … tornado wranglers!” – Twisters 2024
Both of these movies are great at pulling at your emotions and hoping for the best for all of these characters. The way they introduce them and you slowly learn their stories adds to the fact. For someone who has experienced a tornado, these movies can hit the loss of a home and they show a good side of how people react in situations where they lost loved ones, their homes, and pretty much everything they had in mere minutes.
Both of these movies combined receive ⅘ tornadoes.
The articles prior to this one rated every movie or show out of 5 stars. however, I’m gonna switch it up. The five-star system still applies however each one will be themed, so for Twister and Twisters, I decided on Tornadoes!