Do you have an interest in cars? Are you looking for a STEM credit? Well whatever the case may be, Michael Iavarone’s Automotive Program is the place for you! “Mr. I” goes through and gives us all the automotive details and speaks about all the benefits the program could give you.
Mr. Iavarone’s EHHS Automotive Technology program helps students find careers they love in high-paying jobs after high school.
From Park to Drive
Mr. I teaches introduction to automotive & power technology and advanced automotive & power technology. These classes help students get a better understanding of the operation, construction, and repairs of automobiles. These classes are very beneficial because most people are going to own cars, but now imagine if you were able to identify problems with your automobile yourself?
The program is very inclusive and it welcomes high school students of all ages. But not only does it target all ages but the intro program specifically is taught specially so everyone can understand and be challenged. You can be the biggest fan of cars and you can also know absolutely nothing. Whoever you are, you will not be left out and in the dark!
Road Trip to Success
There are many benefits to the EHHS automotive program, but the main benefit for very committed students would be the two year national certification in automotive technologies. Students who wish to take their automotive skills to the next level once they leave high school will be able to get jobs as graduates in a real automotive field. Any students wishing to go straight into work after high school are encouraged to look into what this program has to offer. Keep in mind, to be allowed into the career pathway you will need to hold an average of 70; to a spot in independent studies, internships, and anything beyond that you would need to hold an average of a 90 or higher in the automotive technology classes. But, many students with a lot of potential can get permission from Mr. I himself to continue on.
Life is a Highway
Dylan Donnelly is a student in Mr. I’s program that has dedicated himself into going the extra mile. Dylan is a part of the career pathway and seeks some kind of job in the automotive field. Dylan explains that going through the program and getting all of your certifications has given him that real adult outlook on life while still being in school.
All things aside Mr. I has worked diligently to make an inclusive and amazing program beneficial for all his students. Everyone of all interests are welcome, and if you like to rock nice button up shirts Mr. Iavarone’s Automotive Technology classes are for you! Mr. I has become a safe place for many students in the program as well. If you’ve spent even a second in his room, you’d see how much the students love him just as much as they love his program.
All button up shirts aside, you should definitely look into the automotive technology program! You just might find interest in something you didn’t know you had!