Photo by Mark Curcio
The EHHS girls softball team is determined to make it back to the SCC tournament this year after a strong 13 year record and a difficult season last year.
The Record
2023: 6-14
2022: 22-2 and SCC Championships
2021: 21-4
2019: 20-5
Head Coach Ed Crisafi says, “Last year was kind of a bummer. Yeah, and you know we want to get back out there.”
The Coaches
Coach Crisafi is in his 30th year of coaching this year. He has continuously led the girls to success and always pushed them to be the best they can. The assistant coach is Talia Loda.
Talia started as a coach in 2018 and since then had run two clinics and helped coach travel softball. She became the pitching coach at EHHS in 2022 and is an alumnus from the class of 2014. She says, “What I love most about coaching is teaching girls how to play and understand the game. There’s nothing more enjoyable than teaching girls new skills and watching them practice them and transfer those skills into a game.”
The Captains
Coach Crisafi believes a good captain is,“[A good leader]… very outgoing. [They] lead by example. Plus [they should be] good players.” The coaches elect the captains each year and look for leader qualities.
Assistant Coach Talia says, “Our captains help teach new players on our team what its like to play for a varsity level softball team and are good role models for them.”
The senior captains include Gianna Fowler, Miranda Consiglio, and Abigail Christman. Gianna has been a starter for 4 years, Miranda Consiglio has been a starter for 2 years, and Abby Christman is on her second year for the varsity team.
The junior captains include Lexi Heaphy and Gianna Santoro. Both of them have been on varsity since their freshman year and are both very good leaders and outgoing according to Coach Crisafi
Senior Captain Abigail Christman: According to the Softball Instagram account Abby has played softball for 13 years and loves the way home from away game wins.
Junior Captain Gianna Santoro: According to the Softball Instagram account She has been playing for 12 years and plans to coach later in the future.
Working Together
The captains shared how they work together to build a team.
Gianna Fowler says, “We definitely communicate amongst each other to like help make practices run smoother and to communicate and have things like extra activities to do.”
Miranda Consiglio says, “[The captains] also remind each other to just have fun, because at the end of the day it’s just a game, and it is supposed to bring us joy, not sadness.” The captains also plan things like pasta parties and activities after practice to help the team bond together.
Why Care? Why even join?
There are many reasons why people should join softball. Some of these reasons being:
The team becomes your second family
Fun and easy way to meet new people and make a lot of friends
Underclassmen can meet upperclassmen and get advice from them – make connections
Sport itself is very fun
Great way to keep yourself active and healthy
Fast paced game with lots of energy.