Honey Books logo by Isabella Balseiro
Restore Me Rating: ★★★★ 3.5/5 Stars
This book put me in a reading slump 1 year ago and I completely abandoned the Shatter Me Series until about a month ago. I honestly feel like the book could’ve ended here or ended at the end of the third book.
This is exactly why the series could’ve ended here as the main character is Juliette and she was already very confident in this book. I feel like there wasn’t much need for the last 2 books and this series could’ve stopped here.
Defy Me Rating: ★★★ 3.5/5 Stars
I did like this book however I kind of felt like it was just a continuation of the 4th book. However. I did like this book a lot and I liked how they introduced (spoiler) Juliette’s sister Emmaline and gave her a little back story I thought it was great for Juliette’s character development to learn about her sister
Imagine Me Rating: ★★★★★ 5/5 Stars
I agree, I feel like the last book, (Imagine Me) really needed Warner’s POV. I love Warner and he is by far my favorite book boyfriend. Not including Warner’s POV in the epilogue, I found myself being a little bored with Kenji’s POV. Especially because it was his narration in the combined novella Find me. I think if the last book was going to switch between Juliette and Kenji then the novellas should’ve been Warner’s POV.
Find Me Rating (Novella):★★★★ 4/5 stars
I got through this entire book in 1 day. Granted it wasn’t that long but I still got through it. I do feel like it could’ve been through Warner’s POV instead of Kenji’s POV as the 6th book also had Kenji’s POV but not Aaron Warner. One of the things I liked about the novellas, especially the first one is that they were seen from Warner’s perspective so I feel like this novella should’ve also been Warner’s perspective. I was practically in a drought not having any thoughts from Warner it felt like he was just pushed to the side despite being a main character.