Logo by Kayla DeLuca
EHHS Freshman, Justin Formica is part of the EHHS golf team. Justin joined the golf team because starting at a young age he was always fascinated with golf and just going out and playing around with some family and friends just made Justin want to golf more because it was fun. Justin is going to continue to play golf at EHHS for the rest of his high school carrer. Justins favorite memory of the golf season was “when Billy kept messing up the drills and coach started yelling at him for not listening to directions and to this day we still laugh about that memory.”Justins season is going pretty well. “I have definitely gotten better since the beginning of the year and have definitely made a lot of improvement. There is still more to come and hopefully next season we can try winning states.” Justin is very excited to the years to come with golf and how far they are going to bring the team.