Principal Vincent DeNuzzo began his career with EHHS as a student before becoming a teacher, then an instructional leader, and for the past 11 years our principal.
From his time as a student at EHHS, Mr. DeNuzzo knew he wanted to be involved with the school in order to improve the school community. Mr. DeNuzzo, who has been principal since October 2012, says, “When I was in high school here I had a principal who was influential. I wanted to follow that for my students.”
Some of Mr. DeNuzzos’s former teachers and students currently work at EHHS. One of his former students, Paul Albano, is currently a history teacher at EHHS and says,“He has always been a very good communicator and an effective leader.” Math Department instructional leader Jenifer Bauer was a teacher when Mr. DeNuzzo attended EHHS but only had Mr. DeNuzzo as her student for a couple of days. Now, they work together, and she says, “I still see a sense of humor in him today that I did when he was a student, wanting to be a part of the community and make it the best he can be for the students he has always been involved in doing things that make school fun for kids.” Ms. Bauer also says, “I thought for sure he would always be involved in the school. He was just so young it never occurred to me he would become principal.” English Department Instructional leader Lisa Veleas has known Mr.DeNuzzo for almost 20 years. She says, “He has a great sense of humor. We are able to laugh while we work and I think that makes it easier to come to work.”
Science teacher Gayle Tracey has been working at EHHS for 10 years and says, “I think he balances his work life and home life very well. It can not be easy. I think it is very stressful.” Mrs. Tracey uses words like calm and collected to describe Mr. DeNuzzo. She also says, “He is supportive [of teachers] and also supports students. I think he runs the school well and has good working relationships with the people that work directly under him.” EHHS History teacher Ms. Kerri Cannavaro says, “I think a lot of the history department has a unique relationship with him because a lot of us taught with him.
He tries to attend a lot of school events and recognize all aspects of the school’s community.” Special Education teacher Ms. Jessica Giamattei just started teaching at EHHS this year and says,“I think he is very kind and establishes really good relationships with all of the teachers here.”
Several students at EHHS never knew Mr. DeNuzzo was a student here or even a teacher. Sophomore Mauricio Membreǹo says, “He is respectful to all students he was very welcoming when I came here for my first year. He is very welcoming, good-spirited, and very motivational.” Senior Devin Negron says “Mr. DeNuzzo is the G.O.A.T.” When students need help with things or even someone to talk to about situations, Mr. DeNuzzo is there to help.
Mr. DeNuzzo says there are a lot of different aspects to being a principal and a teacher. When he became principal, he missed being in the classroom, interacting with students all day, and having a certain bond with them. Now as a principal, no day is ever the same. He says, “I like being the principal because every day is different, no day is the same, it makes every day new and fresh.” He liked being a teacher because of the connection he got to have with students but he enjoys being a principal because every day is new and exciting. When forming and maintaining relationships with his staff he never wants it to feel like he is their boss; he wants to have an equal relationship and everyone be respected. He says he always knew he wanted to come back to this school and be involved in some way whether it was a teacher or principal.
His life outside of school is just as wild as inside of school. At home, he has 3 boys ages 11, 9, and 5 who are all involved in many activities. So as soon as his school day is over, it starts all up again at home and that is the best part of his life. Other things he would like to accomplish during his time as principal is improving test scores and graduation rates. In the next 12-13 years before retirement, he wants EHHS to move forward he wants the students to adapt to the world so when they go out in the real world they are prepared.
When Mr. DeNuzzo was in high school, a classmate wrote in his yearbook: “When you are principal you should make a change.” He always refers back to that when thinking about what the future holds for EHHS.