To raise money for the Class of 2023, the EHHS culinary department in collaboration with the Senior Planning Committee hosted a Super Bowl fundraiser in early February. The two groups partnered with the culinary department to cook stuffed breads and wings as a way to raise money. They sold the food to community members, parents, students, and staff.
The culinary department is interested in getting students involved with local events. Additionally, fundraisers are good ways for the culinary students to get real-world experience. It provides a good opportunity for them to learn to cook food in a safe and timely manner. The culinary department ended up making 30 stuffed breads and 28 dozen wings.
Mrs. Heather Profetto, one of the culinary teachers, hoped students in the culinary classes could work hard and learn from the experience. After the fundraiser’s conclusion, she said the students learned how much time and effort it takes to cook such large quantities of food.
Abigail Brooks, a senior on the Senior Planning Committee, was hopeful for support of the Class of 2023 with this fundraiser because the money goes towards senior events such as the senior luncheon and senior trip.
One challenge they faced was getting the word out. While parents and faculty were interested, many students did not seem to be aware of the fundraiser. By being aware of local events, students can help generate support for the graduating class.