Logo credit to Isabella Balseiro

This week’s outfit of the week was worn by EHHS Senior, Devin Negron. His trendy and comfortable outfit included jeans from American Eagle, light blue Nike Dunks from Nike, a blue flannel shirt from Boohooman, and a white tee-shirt underneath to have a basic color that would match. Devin was not inspired by one specific trend or celebrity, rather he tries to look at many different current trends from multiple celebrities and incorporate those looks into his outfits. He was motivated to wear this outfit because he feels it represents his personal style well and is not only comfortable but fashionable as well. He wears the same style in and out of school but still tries to keep his outfits as versatile as he can. He thinks everyone should be comfortable with what they are wearing and should wear whatever makes them happy. He rates his outfit a 7 out of 10 because he thinks it is a good outfit, but a little basic.